Show 23: WHAT ABOUT MY OWN BUSINESS? Complete Threshold Show with Attorney Charles “Rick” Perry
February 13, 2016
Show 25: TREMORS ON WALL STREET, Can We Save the U.S. Economy?Complete Threshold Radio Show
February 27, 2016Show 24: THE CASE FOR REINCARNATION BY A POLICE DETECTIVE,Robert’s Snow Search For A Past Identity!
If you have ever wondered about the possibility of reincarnation, Robert Snow, author of “Portrait of A Past Life Skeptic,” could put you on the edge of your seat. After serving as an Indianapolis homicide detective, Captain Robert Snow became Commander of the Homicide Division in this large city, reducing the homicide astronomically over the duration of his assignment. This interview presents a very good glimpse of one of the most comprehensive and successful validations of a hypnotic regression as further documented in Snow’s compelling book.
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