June 17, 2016

Show 31: Rebuilding Political Paradigms-Why Are Real Solutions Evading the Primary Campaigns? Part-1

There are few people in the United States who have not been impacted by the 2015-2016 Presidential Campaigns. While their content has not gone unnoticed, attention by the public has been riveted by the success of two non-establishment political outsiders, Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump. Whatever you may think of their actual policies, they have pointed to the widespread corruption in government, a product of billionaire and corporate financing of electioneering; the campaigns, resulting in part, of the economic downfall of America through destructive trade agreements. They have also pointed out the fact that the popular vote may not really […]
June 17, 2016

Show 32: Rebuilding Political Paradigms-Why Are Real Solutions Evading the Primary Campaigns? Part-2

There are few people in the United States who have not been impacted by the 2015-2016 Presidential Campaigns. While their content has not gone unnoticed, attention by the public has been riveted by the success of two non-establishment political outsiders, Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump. Whatever you may think of their actual policies, they have pointed to the widespread corruption in government, a product of billionaire and corporate financing of electioneering; the campaigns, resulting in part, of the economic downfall of America through destructive trade agreements. They have also pointed out the fact that the popular vote may not really […]
June 25, 2016

Show 33: Who’s Minding the Planet? Part I The Complete Show with Zave Nathan and Bonnie Blazak

Threshold Radio presents another radio adventure with Zave Nathan and his wife, Blaze Blazak. Zave has embarked on some new instrumental recordings with original work inspired by genres of music throughout the world. We play samples of his new, original compositions from “Around the World in Twelve Tracks” along with songs to spice up a somewhat exciting if not controversial program based on Zave and Blaze’s somewhat pessimistic belief as to “Who’s Mind the Planet?”- as sentiment shared by host and Producer, Johnny Blue Star. This freewheeling discussion covers endangered freedoms like freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom […]
July 2, 2016

Show 34: “Who’s Minding the Planet? Part 2”- with Songwriters Zave Nathan and Bonnie Blazak

Threshold Radio presents Part II of a series of shows called, “Who’s Minding the Planet?” featuring the insightful and creative composer, musician, songwriter, Zave Nathan, and his wife, Bonnie Blazak who collaborates as a highly talented lyricist on his songs. This is a hard-hitting program, but it also gives us a peak into a powerful and fun creative collaborations, producing songs with meaning and impact. The discussion is based on how Zave and Bonnie found themselves compelled to question the puzzling and destructive way circumstances on this planet are being handled. In the early part of this show, Zave and […]
October 28, 2016


Lenore Engelhardt, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and a member of the Academy of Certified Social Workers deals with many core psychological issues in her practice, including depression, anxiety, codependency and relationship, often specializing with clients having recovery issues. In this program, we will look at various types of addiction, including drug, alcohol, tobacco and food, which are often attempts to fill an emptiness which unfortunately can lead to the destruction of everything that a person might value- including friends, family, employment, health and even life itself.  Another addictive side issue is the co-dependent helper of the addicted personality who […]