Our Guests

#1 : Patty Greer

1. Patty-Greer

Patty Greer was a professional singer/songwriter, a skilled harpist and composer- and then she came down with a severe case of mercury poisoning which affected her ability to work.  From a promising and enjoyable career in music, she turned to hunting some way to become cured. After hearing about crop circles, particularly manifesting in abundance in the UK, she made her first acquaintance with this remarkable phenomena. After experiencing a profound communication between herself and whoever created the crop circle she found in a UK Crop Circle, she was hooked.  Soon she became a frequent visitor to crop circles, visiting more than 100 in England alone and became a film maker, focusing on the phenomena, making six documentary films and winning a variety of prestigious awards for her efforts.  Visit her films and soundtracks at pattygreer.net and join in her amazing adventure with these fascinating, “Circlemakers.”

#2 : Dr. Hugo Rodier

Dr. Hugo Rodier, M.D.  was born in Chile but had paternal roots in France, leaving him to become fluent in French and Spanish- as well as English when immigrating to the United States when he was sixteen. His work at the Integrative Health Clinic in Sandy, Utah as an integrative physician continues his cutting edge interest in using the most modern, advanced nutritional science to heal chronic disease. He is currently an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Food and Nutrition at the College of Health in the University of Utah as well as a member of the Executive Committee at the Center for Integrative Health Education, Research and Technology. He is a prolific author. His books include Gut Health: an Integrative Light Metabolic Approach to Optimize Your Health, published in 2014 and Joint Pain Solution, published this year. Check out his website at www.hugorodier.com and his books at http://amzn.to/1jZbMZy.

#3: Zave Nathan & Bonnie Blazak


Zave Nathan is a singer/songwriter, working currently on composing music for songs with his wife, Bonnie Blazak, who writes the lyrics. He develops this music for Zave Music, where he serves as Publisher and Producer. Currently he is music composer for DL music in Los Angeles, creating original compositions for television,  and a Composer and Producer for the Beyond Music Library (BMG), which has offices in London, Paris, Berlin, New York and Los Angeles. His work there consists of writing for movies, TV, Interactive Media and Commercials. He helped launch MOMLabel as A&R Director in Burbank and Composer and Guitarist for Head Sandwich, a rock band with a “funky back beat.” Bonnie now joins him as they compose songs which highlight their concern about our national and global political environment and the dangers the world faces because of negative forces that control so much of the world’s wealth- land, property, financial and military assets. They are like other artists in their field, “awakening songwriters.”

#4 : Patricia Welch

Patricia Welch’s range and talent as a singer is difficult to completely assess. With a range of four octaves and an unlimited capacity to mold each song she performs into a powerful dramatic vehicle, one cannot help but be dazzled by her mastery of multiple genres and the love she imparts to each musical masterpiece she lends her voice to. After majoring in music in West Virginia University and studying with former Metropolitan Opera star, Francis Yeend, she travelled to New York City to seek her fortune as a singer and actress and, though an almost magical set of coincidences, found herself auditioning before Yul Brynner and co-starring with him in the last Broadway revival of the fabulous, “King and I.” Since then her career has led to multiple featured solos with famous orchestra, a major tour with Robert Goulet, a featured soloist on the Wayne Newton Show and a solist at the 9/11 Memorial in Washington. She has recently released a three-CD collection called “Cocktails, Dinner and Dessert with Patricia” and is working on an original album of songs written by Johnny Blue Star and Edgar Arens.

#5 : Sandra LaFlamme

sandra lafalmme

Sandra LaFlamme is a real estate expert, author and speaker. As a top-ranked agent on Trulia, she has developed a deep knowledge of real estate, honing her specialty as Luxury Realtor® for over fifteen years. Still, this specialty doesn’t completely circumscribe her understanding of real estate investments on every level of income, having worked through the real estate crisis of 2008 with both retirees, wealthy homeowners and millennials and other new homeowners with a variety of incomes. Her knowledge of real estate procedures, laws and best practices makes her an excellent counselor for handling real estate in a financial, weather-driven or other  Act of God crisis that might hold challenges for a homeowner. Prior to her experience in real estate, she was involved in industrial sales for Pittsburgh paijnts, selling securities for Transamerica and integrating sales objectives into her work in supervising computer training for Altos Origin and Gateway Computers. She continues to be fascinated by the sales process and will shortly be releasing a book that integrates ethics, spirituality and sales. Sandra is also the founder of the South West Educational Foundation, which enables families and their children to profitably use after school hours for wholesome educational and sports activities.  Contact her at www.sandralaflamme.com.

#6: Kenneth Eade

Keneth Eade

Zave Nathan is a singer/songwriter, working currently on composing music for songs with his wife, Bonnie Blazak, who writes the lyrics. He develops this music for Zave Music, where he serves as Publisher and Producer. Currently he is music composer for DL music in Los Angeles, creating original compositions for television,  and a Composer and Producer for the Beyond Music Library (BMG), which has offices in London, Paris, Berlin, New York and Los Angeles. His work there consists of writing for movies, TV, Interactive Media and Commercials. He helped launch MOMLabel as A&R Director in Burbank and Composer and Guitarist for Head Sandwich, a rock band with a “funky back beat.” Bonnie now joins him as they compose songs which highlight their concern about our national and global political environment and the dangers the world faces because of negative forces that control so much of the world’s wealth- land, property, financial and military assets. They are like other artists in their field, “awakening songwriters.”

#7 : Stephanie Slevin

Stephanie Slevin

Stephanie Slevin is a singer/songwriter and a true artist who never forgets that she is fundamentally a poet, too. Her wellspring of inspiration off reaches deep into the pain of herself and others, although there is also fierce humor, deep caring and great insight into human behavior in her songs. Stephanie was born in London, but spent her first six years in Dublin growing up with her wonderful, nurturing grandparents. When she returned to London to live with her parents, she entered into a world of abuse. Fortunately, her grandmother who was now refused permission to see her and sent away when she tried, never knew the depth of suffering that her grandchild would suffer in her absence. Watching from a window in her London home and seeing the rejection of this critical person in her life, she watched her trembling, shaking, now broken, beloved guardian walk away with tears streaming down her cheeks. Tormented by sorrow, she saw her grandmother put on her sunglasses to hide her tears, the vision haunting her to this day. Despite this pain- and the pain that comes to her eyes, when she things of this final vision of her grandmother, she knows that this suffering have somehow provided her to write her songs with depth of empathy she feels. Stephanie’s path as a songwriter is spiritual, her inspiration often lying in dreams and whispers from perhaps another dimension in waking life. This inner direction leads her to people and places that expands other people’s horizons and broadens her path. She likes to say, “Put your soul in your shoes and keep walking.” Her remarkable life and music have been partially unfolded in our special Threshold program, “A Galaxy of Song.”  Learn  more about Stephanie and her songs, at http://www.reverbnation.com/stephanieslevin

#8 : Ray Boylan

Ray Boylan

In a bio for one of his books, Ray Boylan says, “I realized that I had an interesting life-not really normal but adventurous and exciting. After my service in the Korean War, I worked for private and government agencies as an investigator. The result was that I had an upfront, direct education into many facets of the criminal underworld. When I was a kid, growing up on the West Side of Manhattan, I was an active participant in a teen age gang called the Panthers, I was always longing for a life of excitement and adventure. I don’t know how I got the ticket for such a life, but I certainly did.  I think if I could go back in time and tell my young self what I would do when I grew up, he would be very excited.” Ray’s desire to be a writer was stimulated by Dan Danforth, a close friend but also a noted criminal undercover criminal investigator for the District Attorney’s Office in New York, who not only trained Ray to be a crime fighter but was his prototype as an author.  Dan’s book, The D.A.’s Man, chronicling his brilliant 20 year career as an investigator, induced Jack Webb, producer of Dragnet, to buyt the rights to the book and produce an eighteen month television series.”Years later, Ray decided to try his hand at writing his memoir, West Side Warrior.  He found it with more difficult than he had thought, the “saving grace was that I forgot very little about my life as a New York City street urchin, a Marine at the age of fifteen, assigned to to a special reconnaissance unit similar in its function to todays S.E.A.L.S. My experience in the Marines led to voyages to many different parts of the world, combat in Korea and a tour in Japan.” When he got back from the war, Ray went on to work with Dan Danforth and spent his career working with Police and Federal Agents and ultimately gaining the experience to qualify as a Special Agent for the U.S. Treasury Dept.” Much of this is discussed in this program, highlighting some of his life as described in West Side Warrior. After assisting him with editing his book, Ray and Johnny launched novel and film series called, The Foot Soldier, with the first book titled, “Boots in Manhattan.” These books are now available in Kindle

#9: Robert Hastings

Robert L. Hastings is an American UFO researcher, specializing in collecting and analyzing eyewitness reports of the appearance of UFOs at nuclear weapon sites and related facilities, most often by military personnel. During part of his lifetime Air Force Career, his father was stationed at Malmstrom during which time Robert, then 16, witnessed an FAA Air Traffic Controller tracking five UFOs at the base air traffic control tower. He discovered that these UFOs had apparently been maneuvering near actual missile sites in the southeast component of the base. After college, he found evidence of other UFO contacts with missile bases in a newspaper and magazine archive in a library. This led to a lifetime pursuit of evidence of this very specialized interest in nuclear missile sites by the UFOs, resulting in numerous personal interviews, often with retired military with high level responsibilities at these sites.  His conclusions were developed in a book, “UFOs and Nukes- Extraordinary Encounters at Nuclear Weapons Sites” and dramatically presented to the public in News Conference at the National Press Club, still available at YouTube and linked to his website at at http://www.ufohastings.com, where you also purchase his book, hear other interview, read his articles and learn how to contact him if you are interested in booking a lecture.