Show 32: Rebuilding Political Paradigms-Why Are Real Solutions Evading the Primary Campaigns? Part-2
June 17, 2016
Show 34: “Who’s Minding the Planet? Part 2”- with Songwriters Zave Nathan and Bonnie Blazak
July 2, 2016Show 33: Who’s Minding the Planet? Part I The Complete Show with Zave Nathan and Bonnie Blazak
Threshold Radio presents another radio adventure with Zave Nathan and his wife, Blaze Blazak. Zave has embarked on some new instrumental recordings with original work inspired by genres of music throughout the world. We play samples of his new, original compositions from “Around the World in Twelve Tracks” along with songs to spice up a somewhat exciting if not controversial program based on Zave and Blaze’s somewhat pessimistic belief as to “Who’s Mind the Planet?”- as sentiment shared by host and Producer, Johnny Blue Star. This freewheeling discussion covers endangered freedoms like freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly- and shares some insights as to who or what may be pulling the strings on a rapidly deteriorating social order, fueled, in part, by a music industry in which true creative freedom has been replaced by purely commercial programming that either stimulates banal, mindless enjoyment or encourages brutal, unthinking criminality. Further, this program covers topics like the Second Amendment, the loss of the American Dream, the economic challenges facing once creative players in the music industry, the rise of a militia movement in America, surveillance of the press and the refusal to prosecute those responsible for the financial crisis of 2008- all these topics and more connected together by a financial elite more interested in control than providing freedom and prosperity to citizens of the United States.
To listen to our shows live, visit www.ThresholdRadio.Com and tune in to Threshold Radio every Saturday from 8AM to 10AM Pacific Standard Time on the World Wide Broadcasting Company in Las Vegas and can be accessed at www.wwdbcorp.com. Threshold Radio is produced by New Galaxy Enterprises (www.newgalaxyenterprises.com) a media company specializing in content development, promotion and creative marketing. If you have a media dream, New Galaxy Enterprises will assist you in helping you manifest your dream as a dazzling, media reality. New Galaxy offers both client based and active investor/collaboration options. New Galaxy is founded and directed by Johnny Blue Star, producer and host of Threshold Radio. . To learn more about New Galaxy and see some New Galaxy Projects, visit www.NewGalaxyEnterprises.com.