Stephanie Slevin

Stephanie Slevin, now a co-host of Threshold Broadcasting, is a singer/songwriter and a true artist who never forgets that she is fundamentally a poet, too. Her wellspring of inspiration off reaches deep into the pain of herself and others, although there is also fierce humor, deep caring and great insight into human behavior in her songs. Stephanie was born in London but spent her first six years in Dublin growing up with her wonderful, nurturing grandparents. When she returned to London to live with her parents, she entered into a world of abuse. Fortunately, her grandmother who was now refused permission to see her and sent away when she tried, never knew the depth of suffering that her grandchild would suffer in her absence. Watching from a window in her London home and seeing the rejection of this critical person in her life, she watched her trembling, shaking, now broken, beloved guardian, walk away with tears streaming down her cheeks. Tormented by sorrow, she saw her grandmother put on her sunglasses to hide her tears, the vision haunting her to this day. Despite this pain- and the pain that comes to her eyes, when she thinks of this final vision of her grandmother, she knows that this suffering has somehow provided her to write her songs with a depth of empathy she feels. Stephanie’s path as a songwriter is spiritual, her inspiration often lying in dreams and whispers from perhaps another dimension in waking life. This inner direction leads her to people and places that expand other people’s horizons and broaden her path. She likes to say, “Put your soul in your shoes and keep walking.” Her remarkable life and music have been partially unfolded in our special Threshold program, “A Galaxy of Song.”