November 14, 2015

Show 10- “The Divine Presence” A spiritual investigation with Rod Tyler – Complete Broadcast

Johnny and Rod share their thoughts about spirituality and manifestation, focusing on the concept of “The Divine Presence.” Both contend that the spiritual path isn’t easy, the fundamental problem being separating the call and power of the egoistic personality vs the solicitation and manifestation of the Divine Presence in one’s conscious life. Life on Earth has never been easy, but the tragedy would be if social and political systems grounded in true representation by the people lose all possibility of ascendency owing to the abandonment of electoral responsibility by citizens in the United States and other Western democracies. There is […]
November 28, 2015

Show 12: Interview with Novelist Kenneth Eade with a Special Focus on GMOs

Kenneth Eade returns to discuss the widespread destructiveness of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)- in his novel, “The Involuntary Spy,” part of his Espionage Thriller Series as well as the planetary and human threat based of the irresponsible and unregulated propagation of GMOs. In the series which features a scientist, Seth Rogan, whose conscience forces him into opposition a multi-billion dollar world-wide agri-business that has provided him with job security, enviable benefits and a great professional future. This opposition to a company whose efforts to cover-up their dangerous products parallels the real world in which the potential and even lethal consequences […]
December 5, 2015

Show 13: THE NEW AMERICAN DREAM With Rod Tyler and Johnny Blue Star

Is the American Dream being diluted or inverted? Is the political global establishment trying to reverse the meaning of our sacred values enshrined in the Declaration and Constitution? Was the old American Dream based on the concept of “an informed citizen” as suggested by Jefferson sufficient? Do we not need “an informed and enlightened citizenry” to counteract the clouds of darkness on the Horizon? In fact, do we not need a New American Dream, founded securely on the vision of our Founding Fathers and the valuable augmentation of it by progressive thinkers but also with spiritual vision embedded in the […]
January 2, 2016


In this show, the roundtable discusses the erosion of civil liberties in the United States, including the attacks on privacy, which has been extended to the current current administration. How can we protect the American dream when many governmental and commercial policies are detrimental to the economic and political reality of the United States? The American people are not exercising their legal authority to control their government and prevent problems with lobbying, the revolving door and the brainwashing used in television campaigns.. To listen to our shows live, visit and tune in to Threshold Radio every Saturday from 10AM […]
January 9, 2016


Discussion of first amendment, discussing freedom of religion as a human right and freedom of the speech. Ken talks about his new novel, the Spy Files- and how a reporter seeking Freedom of Information files is put on a watch list.  Right to bear arms, particularly in the area of Posse Comitatus, which protects citizens from the military taking over domestic police, and more recent gun control regulations, is making many wary of the dilution of the 2nd Amendment. The Fourth Amendment and the 8th Amendment with their respective implication on surveillance and torture issues are discussed in detail. Issues […]