Show 33: Who’s Minding the Planet? Part I The Complete Show with Zave Nathan and Bonnie Blazak
October 28, 2016Show 34: “Who’s Minding the Planet? Part 2”- with Songwriters Zave Nathan and Bonnie Blazak
Threshold Radio presents Part II of a series of shows called, “Who’s Minding the Planet?” featuring the insightful and creative composer, musician, songwriter, Zave Nathan, and his wife, Bonnie Blazak who collaborates as a highly talented lyricist on his songs. This is a hard-hitting program, but it also gives us a peak into a powerful and fun creative collaborations, producing songs with meaning and impact. The discussion is based on how Zave and Bonnie found themselves compelled to question the puzzling and destructive way circumstances on this planet are being handled. In the early part of this show, Zave and Bonnie describe their awakening and their search for survival in a maze of difficulties facing persons who value their freedom as artists but who also consider themselves part of the whole human family in crisis. In this discussion, we address the possibility of a global agenda operating with a goal of population control though the use of dangerous and toxic energy, chemtrails, weather wars, programming both consumer and political choices though television, the poisoning of our water supply, our air and soil. Zave and Bonnie share their way of fighting against dependency on a medical system relying on pharmaceuticals often with hideous side-effects masking the basic symptoms caused by a poisoned food supply that undermines the natural immunity capacities of our own bodies. Hear more of Zave’s Music at SoundCloud.com/ZaveMusic
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